

Womens Professional Rodeo Association

“The Women’s Professional Rodeo Association (WPRA) is the oldest women’s sports organization in the country. The Association started in 1948 with a group of Texas ranch women who wanted to add a little color and femininity to the rough-and-tumble sport of rodeo. A major move at the time, 38 women met in a hotel in San Angelo, Texas, on February 28, 1948, to change the way they were being treated in the male-dominated world of rodeo. These women banded together to create the very first professional sports association created solely for women by women - the Girls Rodeo Association (GRA).

The GRA began with 74 original members with 60 approved contests with a total payout of $29,000. In 1981, the GRA changed its name to the Women’s Professional Rodeo Association (WPRA). Today, the association boats more than 3,000 members, over 1,500 events, and payouts totaling over $5 million.

The WPRA, headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, providers opportunities for women across the United States and Canada to compete in the timed events of barrel racing, team roping, breakaway roping, and tie-dow roping.”

The WPRA - World Championship Barrel Racing